After the gruelling - not to mention largely gruesome - experience of three exams in three days, I celebrated my freedom last night with...
A headache.
One could debate as to whether this constitutes an anti-climax or not.
I do however have a nice pile of books to enlighten and enrich my mind (and take my fingers away from that harsh mistress, the keyboard).
Today I read Maureen Dowd's Are Men Necessary? Obviously the title is rhetorical, because there's a very short answer to be given - shorter than 330 pages - if the question was literal.
Next: finishing off Brideshead Revisited, marching on to Elizabeth Wilson's Shostakovich: A Life Remembered, Dawkins' The Ancestor's Tale (Blessed be lucid writing), Geoffrey Robertson's The Tyrannicide Brief, Buber's Between Man and Man and maybe, if I can rustle up a brain cell or two, some Adorno.
Thank god, says the atheist, there are other worlds readily accessible via a book.
Meanwhile, two good links for amusement.
Roll On Friday, for 'bored solicitors'. And bored law students, too!
Buglear Bate. A firm of solicitors with the by-line: Leases, transfers, conveyances, indentures, vesting assents: We love 'em.
Nah, you should always have a headache, or you aren't concentrating hard enough!!
That is some heavy reading. I'd let the brain fry die down before tackling that!!! Have a good break.
After the corporations act I should think even Heidegger would be a relaxing experience!
Well, okay, maybe not even Heidegger...
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